A place where diversity equals community

Another new Chat

A new chat? Aren’t there already enough of them out there? Is there a topic in the universe that isn’t being chatted about somewhere?

I have an idea for a new concept in chat. Well it’s new to me as I’ve not seen it being done before so I’ll gladly take credit for it until someone points out to me where it’s already happening.

Most of us have heard of flash mobs. I’m going to start a flash chat. What’s a flash chat you ask? My definition is a random chat that pops up suddenly and a group of people jump in and chat for several minutes (or a little longer depending on the crowd and the topic) and then go on about their business.  I am going to call my version of the chat the Fierce Flash Mob Chat or #FFMChat.

1. I will have 3 regularly scheduled #FFMChats during the week. Once it gets established and people know what it is I will also start randomly putting them out there.  The scheduled chats will be Mon 6 am PT, Thu 1 pm PT and Fri 7:30 PM PT.

2. I will ask one question, post an image, post link to an interesting article, or a video and if the subject interests you jump in for a few minutes and have a good chat. If the subject doesn’t interest you watch for the next #FFMChat to pop up in your timeline and jump in  if you feel moved and you have a few minutes.

3. The subjects will be totally random and normally on the light side. However, I will occasionally throw some meatier topics in there just to keep people on their toes.

The first scheduled chat will happen tonight at 7:30 pm PT.

Comments on: "Another new Chat" (8)

  1. Whoo hoo! Can’t wait to try this one out. 🙂

    • It should be good. I imagine it will start off slow but once people get wind of it could be a hit 🙂

  2. I love this concept. Great idea.

  3. Wow, that’s an interesting one. Will be sure to catch one of those mobs. Hopefully the timing works for me!

  4. […] Start up of Flash Chat – Another New Chat […]

  5. […] to an early morning encounter on Twitter’s #FFMChat a gentleman stopped by my little corner of the Twitterverse to say hello. We chatted throughout the […]

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